June- The crosby reunion! We had a blast. we went to a beautiful place just outside of showlow and just spent all day friday and all day saturday. we didnt stay the night because its hard in a tent with addison. We had a lot of fun and got to see alot of the family that we dont see very often.

July- For the fourth of July Ben was working so we didnt do much. I watched my niece and nephew calli and tristen for the weekend and we went to the parade in roundvalley with my sister jaime and had lunch at her sister in law audreys house. then we headed back to SJ and that night calli and I and addison went out to lyman and watched fire works with one of my friends who was camping out there. we had a good time.
15th of July- we went to big lake with part of bens family. we drove up on a thursday and stayed the night and by friday afternoon addison had a high fever and we had to go home. it was a huge bummer and we were really dissapointed we missed out on that! I did get a few pictures in the time we were there though!

24th of july- we started off by playing in the volleyball tournament. I think we got third or so. By the end we were so dead beat tired that we didnt care what we got. We always have alot of fun but its alot of playing to do in two days. We went to the ice cream social and had dinner there before hand. Then my sister nikki and her friend sherri and kids came to stay with us for the weekend, they were a blast .We watched the parade with bens family and went out to the camp fire circle with my family. And my favorite part is the the dance. I love country dancing. Ben is so good at it. I suck and he probably hates dancing with me but i always have a great time ;) I of course didnt get as many pictures as i hoped.

NANA- Anyone you ask has nothing but great things to say about our NANA. She was a great woman no doubt about it! we all loved her and miss her so much. Ive had a harder time with it than i thought I would. All the grandkids were able to sing at her funeral. we sang "wind beneath my wings" and "smile" two songs that i found very fitting for her. I think more than anything else Im jealous of the reunion shes having with Papa and uncle george and Most of all my dad! Thats a day that I look forward to in good time after ive fulfilled my life here, but what a great day that will be. I just love this picture of Addison and Nana! its the most recent one i have ;)

Last but not least the Heap reunion- RAIN RAIN RAIN!....ok thats not all but pretty much. Ben and i went up friday morning early and it was a really nice day, we just hung out and enjoyed everyones company, we drove home friday night and came back early saturday morning. Had to be there in time for breakfast. the food and the heap reunion is one of my favorite parts and the fact that the men cook is pretty nice too. It rained most of saturday and then about 7 pm it got really nice so we all sat around the camp fire for a few hours and visited and listened to boyd play the guitar.
ONE LAST THING- Addison finally started walking. The other night I was at my inlaws and we were talking about how addison could walk if she wanted shes just lazy, so I was showing my mother in law how she would walk in between us and she just kept going across the living room...down the hall...etc! and that was it :0 she walks and crawls now but is walking more and more everyday. Its so bittersweet. they grow up so fast! I have a video of her but i cant figure out how to get it on my blog ;(
Your grandma was a pretty awesome lady. I was just talking with Kristin about it a couple weeks ago.
It's about dang time you blogged!
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