Monday, April 25, 2011


My mom made it! She has a long road ahead of her but is mostly back to normal. My mom will probably kill me for putting these pictures up of her, but she never looks at my blog. If you ask her about any of this she doesnt remember. The nurses and doctors told us we could even take her back to that room and she wouldnt remember any of it probably and she doesn't She was having some short term memorey problems but it seems to be coming back to her. Her first week out of the hospital she was pretty weak and slow in anything she did. she would get tired and out of breath quickly. She did a couple weeks of out patient rehab and is now back home. She is able to drive, but has not returned to work yet, All in time! I am so grateful, and feel so blessed to still have her here. The doctors keep telling us she is a medical miracle, I'm so greatful for that! Thank you to everyone for all your thoughts and prayers on our behalf, and thank you to bishop Duncan and family for the blessing you gave her, and for the support you provided to our family!( We called Bishop DUncan on our way to mesa the night this happened and him and his wife rushed to the hospital and He gave my mom a blessing while she was still at the first hospital, then they followed to good sams and stayed there with nikki until Jaime and I got there. We were so greatful for them providing that support to her and to our mom!)

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